Monthly Archives: November 2017

Serious Labs Supports VR/AR Development in Alberta

On Friday, November 3rd, 2017, Serious Labs attended the Alberta Innovates VR/AR Seminar in Edmonton, Alberta. The day saw a multi-pronged effort to foster the development of an VR/AR excellence cluster centered in Alberta. Seminar sessions

By ·2020-02-21T14:03:37-07:00November 6th, 2017·News·Comments Off on Serious Labs Supports VR/AR Development in Alberta

Serious Labs Talks Pipeline Training and Safety

On Tuesday, October 31st, Serious Labs was in Calgary to talk at a gathering of CEPA members. CEPA is the Canadian Energy and Pipeline Association. The mission of CEPA is to work as an organization to advance performance for the safe transm

By ·2020-02-21T14:11:43-07:00November 1st, 2017·News·Comments Off on Serious Labs Talks Pipeline Training and Safety